Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mother.......I Remember You.....Always

(homesick memories of a child torn away from home)

Bangladesh ....My Mother, My Love,
My only Shelter, Only place of Peace;
Your Land so soft, covered with crops,
Your Rivers flowing endlessly,
May never ever decease

Your Skies so bright, without a cloud,
Through which, everyday, the Sun shows;
His rays falling on your crops
In gold which dazzlingly glows.

Your "Magpie Robin" sings me awake,
Your "Hilsha" is my favourite delight,
Your "Jackfruit" sweetens my life,
Your Royal Bengal Tiger is my pride.

You host the great Sundarbans,
The biggest mangrove forest on Earth's lands,
And the longest stretch of beach
In Cox's Bazar's sands.

Your children were so brave Mother,
To protect your honour they had fired;
For your sacred language, your treasured land,
They had been martyred.

Mother you are laden with so many Treasures, so appreciatable;
The list of it is so vast

However, when I had them in front of me,
All of them, I had failed to see.
Now that from you & your riches, I am so far away
Oh! Mother....I remember you, all night, all day.

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